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Table of contents
The Governance module is to be continuously developed with input from the community.
Currently, Treasurenet has an on-chain governance mechanism for initiating text proposals, changing chain parameters, modifying built-in contract parameters, and spending funds from the community pool.
DAO Website
Notice: Documentation is in progress.
Decision-making and Communication Channels
DAO Website (WIP)
- TN proposal list
- Discussion, voting, and documenting proposal process
- Discuss proposals and related issues of upgrades
- Communicate with core members of the TN team on key technologies
- Get information about the upcoming upgrades of TN and the related details
- DAO Website
- TN proposal list
- One-stop discussion, voting, and expressing your views on proposals
- Telegram
- TN official Telegram group
- Twitter
- TN official social account
Governance Process
Notice: Documentation is in progress. Content to include how to complete a proposal, voting, multi-sigs, timelock, etc.
Roles and Responsibilities
Notice: Documentation is in progress.
Community Pool
Notice: Documentation is in progress.
TN token holders can vote to approve community pool expenditures, which can fund development and projects within the TN ecosystem.
How is the Community Pool funded?
1% of all tokens generated (through block rewards) are automatically transferred to and accumulated in the community pool.
How can funding for the Community Pool change?
Although the current funding rate is fixed at 1% per period, it can be altered through a governance proposal and is enacted immediately after the proposal passes.
What is the balance of the Community Pool?
Community pool account: to be updated
How can funds from the Community Pool be spent?
Funds can be utilized through successful governance proposals.
How are funds disbursed after a community-spend proposal is passed?
If a spending proposal is passed, the amount of requested funding will be transferred from the community pool to the address in the proposal.