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Table of contents

  1. Truffle: Deploying a Smart Contract
    1. Install Dependencies
    2. Create Truffle Project
    3. Truffle configuration
    4. Deploy contract

Truffle: Deploying a Smart Contract

Truffle is a development framework for deploying and managing Solidity smart contracts.

Install Dependencies

First, install the latest Truffle version on your machine globally.

yarn install truffle -g

Create Truffle Project

In this step we will create a simple counter contract. Feel free to skip this step if you already have your own compiled contract.

Create a new directory to host the contracts and initialize it:

mkdir tn-truffle
cd tn-truffle

Initialize the Truffle suite with:

truffle init

create you contract.

Compile the contract using the compile command:

truffle compile

Truffle configuration

Open truffle-config.js and uncomment the development section in networks:

    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 8545,
      network_id: "9000",

This will allow your contract to connect to your Treasurenet testnet node.

Deploy contract

In the Truffle terminal, migrate the contract using:

truffle migrate --network development