Navigation Structure
Table of contents
Multi Node
Automated Localnet with Docker
Build & Start
Build and start a testnet with 4 nodes.
make localnet-start
The ports for each node are found in the following table:
Node ID | P2P Port | REST/Ethereum JSON-RPC Port | Websocket Port |
node0 | 26656 | 8545 | 8546 |
node1 | 26659 | 8547 | 8548 |
node2 | 26661 | 8549 | 8550 |
node3 | 26663 | 8551 | 8552 |
To update the binaries, you need to rebuild and restart the node
To start the container and create the network using Docker Compose, you can use the following command:
Creating network "treasurenet_localnet" with driver "bridge"
Creating node0 ... done
Creating node2 ... done
Creating node1 ... done
Creating node3 ... done
Stop Localnet
make localnet-stop
# node0:daemon logs
docker exec node0 tail treasurenetd.log
Interact with the Localnet
Ethereum JSON-RPC and Websocket Interface
To interact with testnet via Websocket or RPC/API, you need to send a request to the appropriate port:
You can try to send a request via curl:
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Key and Accounts
To interact with treasurenetd and start querying status or creating transactions, you can use the treasurenetd directory of any given node as your home directory:
treasurenetd keys list --home ./build/node0/treasurenetd